我姑婆的小兒子楊立心, Abraham Young, (論輩份的話我要叫小叔叔的,雖然實際上他比我小~_~)最近在美國出了一本書 (http://www.humanityatstake.com/)
Humanity at Stake: China's Aggression, Taiwan's Democracy, and 23 Million Citizens' Human Right to Self-Determination

我打算上Amazon.com買來看, 若有人也有興趣的, 一週內回覆我可以幫忙一起買喔,節省運費!

Humanity At Stake: pamphlet-book



楊立心 (Abraham Young)的幼獅之吼
出新書「Humanity at Stake」為台灣出聲  (太平洋時報)
在北美洲的學界﹑智庫的所謂中國問題專家有不少人寫論文﹑出書﹐但西瓜倚大邊﹐他們在討論中國問題時﹐大部份歌頌中國崛起﹐將成為亞太強國云云﹐而台灣的問題﹐大部份被以﹁中國認為台灣是其叛離的一省﹂為主軸的論點邊緣化。今年五月中﹐有一本討論中國問題的新書﹁Humanity at Stake﹂卻提醒學術界﹐中國崛起黑暗的一面﹕中國對亞太民主自由的威脅﹐無異是?o焦燥的美﹑中﹑台問題論壇帶來一股清流。
這本只有129頁的小冊子是台美人第二代Abraham楊所寫旳。Abe是佛羅里達州台美人社區十分受人尊敬的楊明倫醫師﹑林素芬女士的么子。他畢業於長春藤學校布朗大學﹐在學校曾入選該校有名的小說創作專案﹕Cap tone Program in Creative Writing for Fiction﹐並師學小說家Meredith Steinbch﹐他平時寫詩也建立政治性的部落格﹐Abe曾任企鵝出版社的助理編審﹐並曾在美國首都為台灣出聲。三年前﹐他離開企鵝出版社﹐去哥倫比亞大學唸醫學院預科﹐現在正等進醫學院。


    楊明倫及林素芬當年在支援台灣民主運動﹐不論是在海外或在台灣﹐十分投入﹐雖然不曾刻意教導子女的台灣意識﹐但他們在台灣的義光教會﹑在邁阿密的台灣同鄉會﹐對台灣完全的付出﹐潛移默化下﹐楊立心在小時候就十分有正義感。1988年﹐他曾回台停留三年﹐就讀台北一國民小學一年級。當年國民黨當政﹐蔣介石冥誕﹐機關學校強迫學生列隊致敬﹐但是楊立心大聲說﹁他殺很多人, 為什麼要向他敬禮﹂幸虧他當時的班導師是明理的青年﹐連忙向學生宣布﹁楊立心﹐今天你值日﹐不必去禮堂﹂。看來﹐今天楊立心二十年後出一本書為台灣出聲似乎不是偶然的事。




    楊立心在2004年參加第一屆福爾摩莎基金會的青年大使的訓練計劃。當年福爾摩莎基金會延聘多位美國智庫學者專家﹐例如柏克萊加大的Gold﹑威斯康辛州州大的Friedman﹑佛州邁阿米大學June Tuefel Dreyer﹑愛荷華Drake大學的林宗光﹑南加大的Lynch等教授﹐講解台灣近代史及台﹑美﹑中關係﹐楊立心受很大的啟迪﹐對台灣的歷史和現況有了更深的瞭解﹐第二年應邀回去當新生的輔導員。此外﹐他也參加FAPA的青年專業人員部(YPG)﹐以及台美青年學生聯合會(ITASA)等組織﹐成為台美人運動活躍的新生代的一份子。


透過這本書﹐作者很清楚地提出他的看法。他認為世界各國在注目於今年八月的北京奧運及中國人權問題之際﹐國際社會也應該阻止中國政治及軍事侵略性的擴張﹐對台灣的民主更加了解﹐並維護二仟三百萬台灣人民決定自己前途的人權。這本書出版後引起不少專家學者的注意。佛州大學(邁阿密)政治學教授June Teufer Dreyer指出作者透過三個有理想性的年輕人﹐因他們對台灣不同的觀點﹐點出國際社會的理性爭辯﹐默默允許對台灣有領土野心的獨裁中國不斷地在經濟﹑政治及軍事上﹐壓迫民主的台灣﹐前台灣總統府秘書長陳師孟教授指出﹐該書為任何有心要瞭解台灣﹑中國關係的人士必讀的一本書。台美人網站(TaiwaneseAmerican.org)創立人蔡Ho Chie醫師對Abe楊能夠以精簡的文字把台美人心中所想要講給世界聽的內心話講清楚﹐十分佩服。佛州聯邦國會議員Ileana RosLehtinen也寫信向Abe楊恭賀。


    要訂書可直接上Abe Yang的網站www.HumanityAtStake.com
每本﹩9.95﹐其中﹩1.00將捐給人權組織Human Rights Watch


Article from Pacific Times 06-04-2008

Dear friends,


Thank you for all of your enthusiasm and interest.  


I am happy now to share with you some of the press and media that Humanity at Stake has received in the past 2 weeks since its publication.  Under the "Reviews/Media" link on HumanityAtStake.com, you can find Michael Turton's insightful and elabroate book review published on his popular Asia-blog (the review will be republished in Highway 11 magazine's next issue).


Please keep an eye out for an "Author Spotlight" featured on TaiwaneseAmerican.org and articles  published in Pacific Times, Taipei Times, and elsewhere--all of which I invite you to follow along at the book's website.  And as always, the hope is for this book and the necessary discussion to extend into mainstream America this summer--


An Amazon page link has now been added on the HumanityAtStake.com website. 


If you have any contacts or ideas of media or editors who might be interested in receiving a review copy, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I am so moved by all the feedback and support that have come from so many, and I wish you all a happy start into summer.  Thanks all who have supported and followed along on this brief but exhilarating journey so far, and with your support, may this book and conversation reach far into mainstream America this summer!






For media inquiries or a review copy, contact: Abraham Young
(786) 246-6029


NEW YORK, New York , May 15, 2008 – Through the lens of a true dialogue among three ordinary people, the conversational new book Humanity At Stake: On why the world should now end China 's military & political aggression, understand Taiwan 's democracy, and defend 23 million citizens' human right to self-determination exposes the issues at hand in China-Taiwan-world relations. 


China's Olympic rise and the Chinese Communist Party's management of human rights issues have come to the forefront of the world's media, and Humanity At Stake's dissection of Taiwan and China 's complicated past and present relationship brings light to this timely discussion.  In the tradition of American pamphleteers, Abraham Young's work takes the message against China 's 1,400-plus missiles aimed at the island-democracy, directly to the American people as part of a national/global campaign of awareness and advocacy.  The writer in his 20's is from the newest generation of upcoming authors.  He addresses the issue in an angle unique among grass-roots advocates, Asian-American communities, foreign-policy scholars, political leaders, and human rights watchers.  This book's advocacy effort has already sparked discussion from many communities and leaders, such as Member of Congress Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, whose letter of support is included in the book's appendix.


Readers of all stripes are bridged around this book in common understanding: while Dr. June Teufel Dreyer—author and former commissioner of the U.S. Economic and Security Review Commission—calls the book "A poignant tale, told in a charmingly human voice," and Shih-Meng Chen—former Secretary General of Taiwan's Presidential Office—testifies that "This insightful young writer has captured…so many of the dilemmas that Taiwan has faced in its modern history"; community organizer Dr. HoChie Tsai calls the book, "a wonderful starting point to introduce the facts and issues and to initiate further dialogue in an interesting and entertaining way," and Maurice Prize for Fiction winner, Shawna Yang Ryan notes that "Humanity at Stake is a must-read for anyone concerned about peace and democracy in Asia."


Humanity At Stake is available on May 19th for purchase on HumanityAtStake.com and through Amazon.com.  ISBN: 978-1438214115.  $1 from the purchase of each book goes to the non-profit organization, Human Rights Watch.




Abraham Young, while at Brown University , was selected for the Capstone Program in Creative Writing for Fiction at Brown University , and worked under the mentorship of novelist Meredith Steinbach.  He is also a poet and a political blogger.  He was formerly an editorial assistant at Penguin, and has spent time as an advocate in Washington , D.C. , discussing and debating the Taiwan-China-US issue with members of Congress.  He lives in New York City .


****(Please feel free to forward this email along.  This is the 4th message from Abe Young & the Humanity At Stake Project. If you know of anyone who might be interested in receiving this bi-weekly email of updates, please have them contact HumanityAtStake@gmail.com with subject line, "HAS listserve". IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE REMOVED FROM THIS LISTSERVE, simply reply with subject line, "Remove".)****


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